Friday, November 5, 2010

Harvard Business School and Hyannis

Hyannis Port

Us in Hyannis

Anna & Brad

Hyannis lighthouse
Spent the late morning and early afternoon with Brad at Harvard Business School.  He gave us a tour of the school and we had lunch in the dining room.  Quite different from the college dorm dining rooms I (and he) for that matter are used to.  40 foot ceilings and no less than 10 chandeliers!  I'd like to show you lots of pictures because the place is beautiful, but we managed to not take any as we were walking, talking, looking and enjoying it all.

Picked Anna up at work about 1:45 and drove to Cape Cod. Checked into the hotel and then took a drive down to the port.  Saw a little sun after 2 days and walked around a bit.  Still chilly and windy.

Ate dinner and went to the show and saw Megamind in 3D.  I fell asleep, but the rest of them enjoyed it!  Taking a drive to Provincetown tomorrow.  We'll see if we can't do a better job with pictures!!! 

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