Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 24 Colonial Williamsburg

Gunsmith's house

Blacksmith shop

Color Guard

"Benedict Arnold"

Fife & Drum Corp
What an amazing and fun day.  Colonial Williamsburg is a real treat.  The entire town is a living reenactment.  They actually make guns and ammunition in the gunsmith shop, nails, hardware and other necessities in the blacksmith shop and do all the these things the same way they did them 200 years ago. 

They were building an outdoor kitchen behind one of the houses and they had hand milled all their own lumber and were framing it the same way they would have back then.  Very interesting to watch and everyone was willing to explain what they were doing and why.

The day ended with a 2 hour reenactment of different times in the 8 year war for independence.  It began with a reading of the Declaration of Independence and continued in different parts of the town with all of us walking to these locations for each of 7 reenactments.

There were probably 300 people there today watching all of this with us.  I can only imagine what it must be like during the summer when the place is jammed with tourists.  Our weather was perfect and we had plenty of time to see things and ask questions.  We were also fortunate in that the War for Independence is only reenacted 2 days a week and today was one of the days!

We bought a 2 day pass and are looking forward to returning tomorrow.  We are also hoping to make it to Jamestown. 

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