Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 25 Williamsburg

Swords in the Governor's Mansion

food preparation-colonial style

authentic apothecary jars

kitchen for Wetherburn's Tavern
Another beautiful day here in Virginia.  Spent a couple hours this morning at an antique mall--quite a large one at that.  Lots of fun stuff to look at but nothing I couldn't live without.

We spent the rest of the day at Colonial Williamsburg again.  Really had a great time.  With it being a Saturday and beautiful weather the place was quite busy.  Glad we had a slower pace and less people to share it all with yesterday.

The Governor's Mansion was quite spectacular.  Well appointed and had all the luxuries of the time.  Not quite as luxurious as mansions in Europe but quite nice for the colonies at this point in time.

We also spent time watching cobblers, a cook, had hot chocolate in the Coffeehouse (a gathering spot for the colonists), lunch at Raleigh Tavern, and enjoyed tours of the local Parish Church and Wetherburn's Tavern as well as the apothecary.  All work is done in true colonial style with authentic tools and materials.  A walk back in time that we enjoyed very much.

Pointing the truck in a new direction tomorrow--west!  On to Tennessee.

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