Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 19 JFK and Korean War Memorials

Entrance to Memorial Park

backside of JFK Memorial

front of memorial looks out to the ocean

Korean War Memorial also looks out to the sea
Had a great breakfast at a local restaurant this morning that boosts the largest breakfast and lunch menu in all of New England.  Quite a claim, but quite a menu too.  We took Brad and Anna back to Cambridge (73 or so miles) and then returned to the Cape.  We had a great time and look forward to seeing them again in only 7 weeks!

It was 44 degrees, windy and rainy when we took the above pictures!!!!!  We had a walk on the beach planned today--we did for about 5 minutes--but surrendered to the weather and stopped at the grocery store on our way back to the hotel.

It's still raining and very windy, but we're going to brave it and go find some dinner when I get this posted.  You can sure tell the time has changed.  It's 5:15 and pitch dark. The local weather channel says it's 41 but feels like 33 with the 27 mph wind chill.  On to Philadelphia tomorrow.  Hopefully it's a bit warmer.

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