Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 18 Provincetown

We made it to the Atlantic Ocean!


Lobster traps

Pilgrams tower

local hot spot

Yes, I know I didn't post anything yesterday.  Spent the day with Brad and Anna having too much fun.  Got the pictures downloaded and labeled in i photo and fell asleep with the computer on my lap sitting in bed!!!  Decided it was time to sleep.

Provincetown is a very quaint artists community right at the tip of Cape Cod.  Lots of fun stores to shop in and look through and lots of places to eat.  Unlike Hyannis, most places were still open and apparently stay open most of the year.  We had a great time.

Ate lunch at a local hamburger joint and sat in a bar called the Squealing Pig after we had worn ourselves out walking and watched the first half of the Huskies game (we knew better than to watch the 2nd half!).  

We drove back to Hyannis after checking out the rest of the town had had dinner at Barbyanns restaurant.  David and Brad toughed it out and ate lobster, I had some great crab cakes. 

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