Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 35 Riverside to Porterville 215 miles

Highway 60 leaving Riverside

I 5 entering the valley

I 5 looking east

home :-)
Well, as I sit here and write this on Thanksgiving eve, eve, I am overwhelmed and extremely thankful for many things.  First and foremost I am thankful for my husband who drove all 8,232 miles of our road trip!  He was happy driving and I was happy to be is co-pilot.

We had a wonderful trip and as we head into the holiday season I will remember fondly all the beautiful places and people in this country and be thankful for all those past and present that have made it possible for us to live free and independent.  Many lives have been lost in this constant fight for freedom and we are truly blessed to live in such a great nation.

Our trip home today was uneventful with minimal traffic and no rain until we were north of Terra  Bella.  Timing.  Nice to be home.  May you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and remember to thank a soldier.

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