Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 20 Hyannis to Philadelphia 348 miles

snow in Connecticut

New York skyline

entering Philadelphia

lobby of the Alexander Inn
Well, it's a good thing David was a mailman as we drove through rain, snow, sleet and WIND today.  All that was missing was the hail. Driving through the Bronx on 95 was quite the experience!   We persevered and made it to Philly where it is supposed to be sunny and not windy tomorrow.  That would be nice.

Not many good pictures to share as most were taken from the truck and didn't turn out too well.  The hotel is amazing and if you are ever here I would recommend staying.  It has been beautifully restored and the innkeepers are courteous and very helpful. 

We had dinner at a local Irish pub and enjoyed a little local flavor and some great corned beef.  Looking forward to seeing all the sights tomorrow.

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