Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 26 Williamsburg to Afton, TN 494 miles

rest stop color

beautiful countrside

more beautiful countryside

an old barn
Didn't post a note last night as we were having too much fun with David & Gina Cates!!  Thought about it a couple of times and thought about taking pictures of them and their beautiful house to, but just sat and talked with them instead.

Went to dinner at a great local place called The Farmer's Daughter.  Family style dining at it's best.  You order two meat dishes, we had fried chicken and fish and then they bring at least 8 side dishes (creamed corn, cornbread salad, green beans, cole slaw, carrot casserole, melon, mashed potatoes, gravy and fried squash) and this is after they start you with corn bread and biscuits and then when you're stuffed, bring dessert!  I shoulda walked home!

They took us on a quick tour of the area as it was getting dark and we could see why they like it so much--it's beautiful and very peaceful.  Greenville, the town next to Afton, and the closest larger town was the home of President Andrew Johnson (he became President after Lincoln was shot).  There is a lot of history in the area as well as a National Cemetery.  Wish we would of had more time.  We're going to have to come back.

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