Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 32 Flagstaff, AZ to Desert Hot Springs, CA 410 miles

100 mile view leaving Flagstaff

Arizona desert

Returning to California

view from Shirley's back porch
Well, we're back in the state. Hum, not sure how I feel about that.  Glad to get a chance to have a visit with Shirley, it's been to long.  She fixed us a great meal and homemade apple pie.

It was a pretty drive close to Flagstaff in the high desert and then returned to it's usual desert look as we came down from 7000 feet.  Just a few sprinkles coming into Palm Springs and a heavier rain later this afternoon while we were sitting on Shirley's back porch.

David has started on his "honey do" list for Shirley and she and I are about to sit down and have a piece of pie.

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