Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 30 Santa Fe, NM to Flagstaff AZ 378 miles

How 'bout that-Maloney Avenue!

Entering Arizona

a control burn in Flagstaff

living room

our view
A good driving day for David, not much traffic, clear skies and no wind.  Not a lot to see along the road, New Mexico and Arizona look pretty much the same, except New Mexico has an Indian casino about every 25 miles-I'm not kidding!

The Maloney Ave. sign was in Gallup, New Mexico.  I almost missed getting a picture of it, I was so excited to see such a thing.  Amazing.  Gonna hafta do a little research and find out if it's a relative or not!

We were about 20 miles outside of Flagstaff when David pointed out a column of smoke.  We thought they had a fire going, which they did, but we found out it was a control burn and it would be put out at the end of the day.  The U.S. Forest Service was doing it and they apparently do them this time of year.  The eastern side of town was pretty much covered in smoke, but they put it out and it was quite clear by 5 o'clock when I took the picture off the deck.  Hopefully they won't do one tomorrow.

Our plans are to go and investigate old town in the morning (late morning, as David plans on sleeping in).  The Grand Canyon is tempting, but an 83 mile drive one way, so we'll probably save that for another trip.

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